Wednesday, March 21, 2007

More stuff...

Last night, I got home around 10:30 (celebrating my brother's birthday with the family, plus my dad wanted to stop at our store) and so that ate up some time...especially since the store's totally in the opposite direction of our house/dinner.

In any case, I was very, very tired last night. And very, very tired when I came home. And thank god all I had to do was teach this 8 AM. Only two more days till spring break (2 more classes to teach!). The best part of the week has been bringing breakfast to my classes. Monday got bagels (way expensive) and today got doughnuts--VERY good ones, I may add...and that was like, ten dollars cheaper than the bagels. I think my Friday 8 AM class will get doughnuts as well, and my 11 AM class may get some snacky foods, I think, like cookies, chips. I think. We'll see. Or maybe I'll just buy two dozen doughnuts, since they are very yummy. Why, you ask, is it so fun to bring breakfast to my classes?

Take a look at the topic:
Disorders of the ear.
So they get to see beautiful pictures like:

The first picture: a perforation of the eardrum. Second picture, retraction pocket, and the bone you see is the malleus (hammer), and the last one is truly gross. It's a parent maggot that laid 6 maggot eggs in the ear. ICK.

So you can see why it's been fun to feed my students. I'm so bad. ;D

But in knitting news:

I got my order of Baby Ull yarn in today! I ordered it sometime last week and was getting nervous that it wouldn't come in, because I really need to make a pair of baby booties. BUT it came in today, yay! I can start them tonight! Hopefully finish up tomorrow or Friday, so can wrap them!

And I've also been doing a tunisian crochet scarf, with two colors, so it does have a neat effect on the front, and the back is all striped. So it's really cool. Once I finish this (and my million projects, I'm going to try three colors and see how that would look.

This is my very pretty Trollbeads bracelet. can you tell I'm totally in love?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yuk! I knew there was a reason the only science classes I took had to do with minerals or chemicals!