Two more days of test-taking (and test-giving). I am officially down to the last 16 students that I'll need to test this week! Yippee! So glad that it's almost over. I think I'll be okay with the law exam; I'm surprised at how much I actually remember from the book and notes--just need to brush up on a few specifics. And I aim high: I'll be happy with...a B.
Now the still continues to whip my butt from one end of the room and back again...but I am sure at Friday night at 9 PM, I will feel a lot better. Because I'll be done (minus the grading, which I will do this weekend)...and I plan on buying myself a pint of peanut butter brittle ice cream from Handel's, which I have not yet tried. And it sounds delicious.
Now, to the knitting content (skipping SnB tonight, of course)...and my SP10 Hostess is asking us: what do we do when we knit? Where do we knit?
Well, I knit in front of the TV. It's a big comfy couch...sometimes I'll watch a Lifetime movie as I knit...or a cooking show...well, anything. I'll even watch it during Ugly Betty. Unless I'm doing something complex (I've learned my lesson now). I tend to sit near the armrest on the left side...prop my feet up on my dad's footstool and knit away! Nothing fancy or spectacular, but it's relaxing and I look forward to doing that again--to a lifetime movie that I taped ("My First Wedding" with Rachel Leigh Cook...)
Two more days.
Oh, and happy birthday to Elisabeth.
WooWork in the Wild
7 years ago
Hi Secret Pal!
I hope you're surviving the end of semester okay and that you got through grading all those papers!!! I'm busy putting another package together for you to help you celebrate!
Hope the tests are all over with and you can now celebrate with ice cream. I looked up ANOVAS online and, after reading the first paragraph, decided I'm better off not knowing. (Ahhh...if only I had a priori knowledge of it.) If you're ever in the Columbus, OH area and would like to see the thousands and thousands of beautiful yarns at Yarnmarket, give us a call at 888-996-9276. I'd love to give you a tour! (Thanks for the link. We appreciate it.)
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